What's the deal with coffee being so popular? I don't get it. I mean it's too hot so it can't be refreshing. It's loaded with caffeine (I think) so it will take you on a sugar high and then drop you at the highest point. You have to drink it in a mug or styrofoam cup because it's too ugly to be seen through a glass. And there is absolutely no way that it can wash down a Krispy Kreme donut.
I know I will get corrected on all of those points and catch a lot of flack from most of the coffee fanatic followers of this blog, but I don't care. As a child, your parents and grandparents won't let you drink it because they say that it will stunt your growth, turn your teeth yellow, and you will become addicted to it. Yet they continue to drink it like their skydiving with a ripped parachute and the only thing they can think of is landing on a Starbucks so the media will make a big story about it forcing Starbucks to name a coffee drink after them.
I'm taking a stand for milk, the drink of the Promised Land. I'm the guy who would look like he belonged on a "Got Milk" commercial. I look great with a milk stache'. Milk is the only real refreshing drink that can wash down a ring of sugar and leave your teeth and bones stronger. Cows are awesome!! How can two of the best things ever, milk and steak, come out of the same animal? Brilliant.
I know this was random and probably insulting to the few blog readers I have, but I needed to warn all of you coffee-a-holics that when coffee becomes a highlight of your morning then it's time to take a step back and remember that the best part of waking up isn't Folgers in your cup, but knowing that Chuck Norris didn't kill you in your sleep.
Growth & Changes
6 years ago
Landon, I always knew I liked you for some good reason. This is so true. I never have seen the big deal over coffee either. I don't even like the smell. But milk. . . the colder the better.
ha! ha! ha! Landon you are HILARIOUS! Seriously. It was one funny thing after another...especially the chuck norris line @ the end!! :)
I am with you and Dana! I have never tasted coffee and I don't plan on doing so either...haha I love milk in a frost mug though and that is pretty much the only way I will drink it...
I LOVE milk! I could drink it with every meal! But, I also love coffee! Mine isn't loaded with caffeine cause I drink decaf and it doesn't make my teeth yellow since I brush them every night! You are right though, the best part of waking up in defnintly NOT Folgers in my cup, Folgers tastes like garbage in a mug...YUCK! I'm not insulted, although I simply don't understand why you don't like Starbucks? :P Haha, this post made me laugh!
I'm with you Landon. I have tried coffee, but no matter what you add to it, it is nasty!! Give me some ice cold milk any day!
I drink coffee. I don't have dreams about dogs on jet skis smoking cigarettes. You drink milk. You have dreams about dogs on jet skis smoking cigarettes. I think I've made myself clear.
It is clear to me Landon that you are bitter for not getting your chocolate Krispy Kreme donut on Sunday. This is obviously the reason you are lashing out in such a pointed manner. I just want you to know that I love you anyway. I love you so much that I will not give in to your hissy fit to have a chocolate Krispy Kreme. Pastor and I will now have to eat the ones we specially ordered for you, so you learn your lesson to walk in love. Coffee drinkers are people too...
Please do something
Please do something on Nestle's Quik. If I remember right, you like Quik as much as I do. I just can't get into the coffee but give me my milk & Quik.
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