Monday, December 21, 2009

God's Willingness=God's Ability

I was reading over my old notebooks this morning and read something that I wrote down last year.  God spoke to me and told me that He is as willing as He is able!

This was a new revelatiion of God's love for me.  The Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, infinite in power, ability, and resources is just as much willing as He is able.  We have always thought of God as being ABLE.  Nothing with God is impossible; He is able to do super-abundantly far over and above all that we ask or think.  We believe God is able, able, able..........but we sometimes fail to believe that He is just as much WILLING. 

Earthly parents are more than willing to do anything for their children, but their ability limits them in what they can do.  We have a heavenly Father who is limitless in resources whose willingness matches His ability!!  It is so good to know that God can, but it is even better to know that He wants to and He will!  This should be a clear sign of His love for us! 

We must not only have faith that God can, but that God will.  It's like the scripture in Hebrews 11 that says "Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is, AND that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."  We must believe both.  Have faith in God's willingness to bless you.  It's just as great as His ability!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Look to the JOY Set Before You...

Every step that we take in God may require us to lay down some things.  We are learning about this in church and prayer.  God is showing me that I shouldn't focus on what He is wanting me to lay down, but instead to focus on where He is taking me and the JOY set before me.  Really, what could be so important for us to hold on to that would be better than God's plan for our life?  NOTHING!  God is so good and if I really trust Him, then I will be able to lay down the things He is telling me to lay down.  It's for my benefit anyway.

In Hebrews 12:2 it says that, "...Jesus, for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and now is seated at the right hand of God."  Jesus is our example, and He laid down something that none of us could imagine laying down:  His life.  He was perfect in every way and had never sinned and yet He laid down His flawless, sinless life for the JOY that was set before Him.  He was always pleasing the Father and He was reward minded.  He sowed His life in faith, believing that He would reap a family!  Me and You are part of that family now, because Jesus laid something down.

It goes on in Hebrews 12:3 to say, "Just think of Him Who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against Himself (reckon up and consider it all in comparison with your trials), so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing or fainting in your minds."  We are to compare what we may be having to lay down to what Jesus had to lay down.  There is NO COMPARISON!  We have grace to walk in the place God has called us to walk in.  That means we have the ability to lay down ANYTHING that He tells to lay down!

We must be obedient.  The very salvation of others could depend on it.  Let's look to that; the JOY set before us.  This is how Jesus was able to lay down His life.  Let's follow His example!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Redeemed? SAY IT!

This morning I was thinking about how everything that wasn't right in my life has been made right by the blood of Jesus. He has redeemed me FROM the curse of the law. He has redeemed me TO "The Blessing". It is so comforting to know this truth.

The bible says, "let the redeemed of the Lord say so," so it must be important to confess that we are redeemed. We must do this in order to always be aware of the good life that Jesus came to give us. If something in our life isn't right or doesn't line up with the Word, then we can say that we are the redeemed of the Lord. The blood of Jesus has paid the price for me; spirit, soul, and body. We're not just redeemed FROM sickness, we're redeemed TO healing. We're not just redeemed FROM lack, we're redeemed TO abundance!

I purpose to be whole in my spirit, my soul, and my body because Jesus has redeemed me and I will say so!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, December 7, 2009

Short and Ugly

Here is a pic of me and Cort at the ugly Christmas sweater party. We definitely did not have the ugliest sweaters, but all Christmas sweaters from 1986 qualify as ugly. They also qualify as (I can't believe I see your boxers and belly button) way too short.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Faith HEARS and ACTS

The message Nate preached yesterday was a great message on faith. It was so simple: Faith is HEARING from God and DOING what He said. Hearing and Doing. Most of us know that faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17), but sometimes it's unclear to us on how to RELEASE that faith. During the message yesterday the Holy Spirit put it to me this way: Faith comes by hearing; faith is released by doing. We must do what God is telling us to do so that our faith will actually work! It's clear in James 1:22, faith without works is DEAD, but the man who acts on what he hears is blessed (James 1:25)!

True faith does what it hears regardless of the circumstances.

Faith is complete only when it is acted upon.

A good example of this would be Rahab. In Joshua, it talks about how Rahab and her people had heard of the great works that the God of Israel had done. She made her statement of faith in Joshua 2:11, "for the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath." This same woman who is an idol-serving harlot hears about the one true God and changes what she believes after she hears about the God of Israel! She made a decision to ACT on what she believed, risking her very life to hide the two Israelite spies. She took them at their word (which was really God's word to her) and DID what they said by hanging the scarlet cord out her window.

Just as she believed, her and her family and her possesions were spared and she lived with the Israleites from that day forward. This is almost like being saved Old Testament style, getting to live with and become a part of God's chosen people! Her reward of hearing and DOING what she heard didn't stop there. By ACTING in faith, she positioned herself right in the geneology of Jesus! She became the great-grandma to king David! She went from being a forced prostitute serving idols, to becoming an ancestor of the Saviour through an ACT of faith!

What will our acting on what we hear do for us? Let's find out!

Friday, December 4, 2009

I need Your Faith...

What are you believing God for? Is it big? Small? Significant to you? Significant to others?

I'm sure that you are believing God for something, and I'm also sure that it is very significant to you. What you need to know, however, is that it is also very significant to me. I need you to have faith in God and receive the promises He has for you. You need me to do the same. As part of the same body, it only makes sense that when one part is strengthened the entire body is strengthened. Not only that, but your faith victories will give me hope and determination to have my own faith victories. God's promises manifested in our life are not just some random, feel good, isolated things in our life. They are VITAL to the body of Christ. I know this may be a long post, but let me give you an example of why this matters.

Most everyone knows about the struggle and (natural) impossibility it was for Abraham and Sarah to have a child. However, it is not as well known that "Isaac and Rachel" and "Jacob and Rebekah" went through similar circumstances. It took faith on Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob's part in order for God to be called the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." What if Isaac didn't have faith in God that Rachel would have a child, would God just be called the God of Abraham and Isaac? Isn't it interesting the struggle that the first three sons of the covenant went through to have a son. The enemy knew what was to come out of these three men and he tried to stop God's plan of redemption. But as it is all throughout the Word, we see that faith became victory for these three men and their wives. It also became victory for me and you...

My relationship with God now relied solely on Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob's faith then. Does this make you wonder what you're believing God for that could possibly hinge on the salvation of others? What is it that we need to be believing God for that could be a blessing to others and bring God glory in the earth? Your faith in God for His promises is vital not only for you, but for me. It is vital to others that we don't even know yet and may not even see until heaven. This should encourage us to be strong in faith (just like Abraham) and become fully persuaded that what God promised, He is also able to perform. "Quit" is not an option. The very lives of others may depend on it....HAVE FAITH IN GOD. He is faithful to do what He said He would do. All we have to do is believe Him!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Proverbs 3:5 (amp) says, "lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all of your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding."

When you lean on something with all of your weight you are putting trust in that thing to support you. When you lean on it with half of your weight, then you don't trust it can support all of you. I won't lean on my Christmas tree but I will lean on my fridge. I know the characteristics of the two well enough to know that I can fully lean on one but not the other.

Every characteristic that God has shows us that we can trust in Him with ALL of our heart. God's faithfulness alone shows me that I can fully put all of my trust in Him. I can lean on Him with all my weight and know that He will support me.

I know that most Christians think they trust God, but the truth is that they may only trust Him for salvation. They're not willing to trust Him with their LIFE. Do we trust Him enough to just lean on Him a little but still have our feet under us just in case?

If we really trust God then we will lean all that we are on Him, so that if He falls we fall. But thank God He will NEVER fall or fail. We can trust Him! He is FAITHFUL!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wondering Leads to Wandering....

Lately, I have found myself wondering about what's next in my life. What does God have for me to do next? Where am I to be at right now? I wonder if I should be doing something different? I wonder.......

This morning in prayer, I told God that I was not going to wonder anymore. I told Him that I was simply going to trust His Word and the leading of the Spirit and He began to show me that my wondering has led to lack of revelation in my personal time with him. For quite a while now when I would go to read my Word, it would feel empty, powerless, and just blah. And now I know why. I looked up some definitions of wonder and here is what it said: to think or speculate curiously, to doubt. I could not believe that this is a word that I used in my walk with God. I could see that by wondering about the future that I was really wavering and doubting. Those words are ugly and we don't like to use them, but wondering is basically the same thing.

As I began to sit down and write some notes on this, God told me that wondering leads to wandering. As Christians, we're familiar with the term wandering and we know that it is not something we're interested in. To wander means to deviate from what you believe. The Israelites wandered around aimlessly in the desert because they would not TRUST God. The opposite of wondering is trusting. To trust means to be planted like a tree. When the wind blows, and the storms come, and dogs pee, that tree is not going anywhere because it is rooted deep. We must be rooted deep in the Word of God so that when circumstances arise we will stay planted and stay trusting God.

I will no longer wonder, I will only trust. I don't have to wonder about the future because the Holy Spirit will show me things to come. I don't have to wonder about what's going to happen because God's Word is true and it will never fail. Pslams 40:4 says, "Blessed is that-> -> ->man that makes the Lord his trust. It's simple, TRUST God and you will be blessed. That's what I'm going to do.

I will not let wondering lead me to wandering, but rather let TRUST in God lead me to the blessing!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Life's Work

Most of my blog readers are my fellow church members, so this should sound familiar to you. I have really been needing change in my life and I'm so thankful for the mercy of God which never gives up on us. It seems that I had the recurring problem of my spirit being willing but my flesh weak. In the area of spending time in the Word and prayer, I always INTENDED to do it but stuff came up or I didn't get around to it. This was driving me crazy and I couldn't take that I was placing other things above the things of God. The great thing about God is that He doesn't condemn me but rather convicts me by the Holy Ghost and gives me chance after chance. I knew that I had to be productive with the chances He was given me because I did not want my heart to become hard. Needless to say, recent church services have been on point for me.

I read Ephesians 3:7 in the Message this morning in which Paul says, "This is my life work: helping people understand and respond to this Message." That made it very clear and simple for me. Like PS said in a recent service, "Our objective is not to have a family, raise kids, make money, retire, etc.; but our one and only objective is to take this Gospel Message to the ends of the earth."

I don't know about you, but it has always seemed a little overwhelming for ME to take this Message to the ends of the earth. However, this is nothing more than helping people understand and respond to the Message. Later on in Ephesians 3:8 Paul said, "When it came to presenting the Message to people with no background in God's way, I was the least qualified of any available Christians. (ever feel that way?) God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities." We need to trust God that when we step out and do what He says, that we will be perfectly equipped to do it.

The time is now. I want to be in the boat. I want to be a part of what God is doing in this earth and I must be about fulfilling the objective He has given me. My life's work will be to help people understand and respond to this Message.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy birthday to my Pa (Sept. 24) who has managed to age like an encyclopedia: looking better and gaining knowledge every year. That was corny, but seriously, thanks for the genes.

We got a chance to play golf on his bday and had a great time. Perfect weather, no one around, deer in the fairway, mulligans galore, and birdies sparse.

It was really fun and made me realize even more that I have the best dad ever. Thanks for everything you've done dad, you're the best.

Don't worry, I'll confirm to everyone that this was a practice swing below....

-- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What, I Can't Flex the Golden Pipes?

The e-trade commercials have got to be the funniest commercials out there. I mean a baby who talks like an adult and uses words like "shankapotamus," deserves to be #1 in the commercial biz. As much as I enjoy the golf ad with the baby and old man, I think my favorite is when the two babies are on there and one of them wants to "flex the golden pipes." Hilarious!

Here are three of the commercials, including the two referenced above. Which is your favorite?

Friday, September 11, 2009

I love....

I have recently began to watch how I use the word love. In our society, the word love has become watered down kind of like the word hope has. The only real significant meaning these words have to me is the meaning that I can get from the Word of God.

We have become so used to saying that we love so many things that sometimes I wonder what it means when we say "I love God." The bible tells us that we are to love God with all of our heart, and that we are to love other people as ourself. So we are to LOVE God and people, not things. In my life, for example, I used to say that I love golf, or I love steak, or I love that TV show. What am I really saying? I feel about that show the same way I feel about God? You might think, well that's a heart issue and God knows my heart, and that's true, but why is there no separation between God and that TV show in my WORDS?? Words are important, and I think it's important for us to differentiate what we really love in our life. I enjoy golf, I really like steak, I like watching that show, but I love Jesus.....what's wrong with saying it like this? This makes it clear to ME and others WHO not WHAT I love in my life.

What we say we love is what we will give the most attention and focus to, which is why I have removed loving STUFF from my vocabulary. Money can represent "stuff" or "things" and the Word says that "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil." I'll enjoy richly all that God has given me to enjoy, but I will reserve my love for Him and for people! I love Jesus and I really enjoy this iPhone He has blessed me with!

-- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


God has been revealing to me through the teaching of His Word that I am required to be faithful with what He's given me now. The Bible says, "that he who is faithful in the least is faithful also in much." I've been strongly convicted that we should never say, "if I had their money, then I would do great things for the kingdom of God." There is a few things wrong with saying something like that. First of all, there is a main word in that statement that we should look out for "THEIR". Why are we envisioning what we would do with someone else's money. That's covetousness, and the Bible warns that we should never be like that. The truth is that we would only do with more money then what we would do with less money now. Jesus himself said it, "if you are faithful in least you will be faithful with much." We seem to think that having more money or other outside circumstances would affect how we did things for God. This shouldn't be the case and I realize I have much changing to do in this area.

I need to be faithful with the gifts and resources that God has given me so that I can fulfill the call He has for my life. As I do, I know that He will increase me because He knows that I will be faithful with more. I don't want to become to familiar with this verse of being faithful in the little is vitally important to our walk with God. It allows Him to not be limited with what He can do and give in our lives. Thank You Lord for the never-changing or expiring truth in Your Word. It is the only Word to live by!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Parking Lot

Cortney has finally started her own blog after months of wanting to. I'm happy because it takes pressure off of me to post so often. She has titled it "The Parking Lot," because I often tell her I'm the best "Parker" there is.....not really. She has a different reason for naming it that. Find out for yourself at Happy blogging Boonie!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Effectual Faith

James 2:17 says that faith without works is dead. There are certain words and actions that validate and activate our faith. We must in some way communicate our faith in order for it to work. It's not good enough to just say I believe.......

Philemon 1:6 says, "that the communication or your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." This is how we effectively communicate our faith and make it active! We must acknowledge or THANK God for all of the good things that are in us being in Christ Jesus. We must be thankful and always aware of who we are, what we have, and what we can do IN CHRIST!

Have you ever noticed how when you begin to thank God that your faith begins to rise and you suddenly start to FEEL better? There's a reason for this. When we do, our faith is being communicated and activated! Let's begin to acknowledge who we are, what we have, and what we can do in HIM and see our faith become active!

Friday, August 7, 2009


Cortney told me yesterday that she found a story on fox news about a baby doll that little girls pretend to breast feed. I couldn't believe it, but it's true. Bebe Gloton, is a doll that makes sucking noises as little girls pretend to feed it. This is very disturbing and even more so is the halter top that the "young mothers" wear as they pretend to feed their baby. The halter top acts like a nursing bra! Who comes up with this crap??

In other news, it appears that after a recent survey, a third of Arkansans now make up for 33% of the state's population. That is good news! I love this state. Go Hogs.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hillbilly Sno

As you's really really hot outside. Here lately during the afternoons I have really wanted to partake of a sno cone. This is made very hard however by the "closed" signs on most of the sno cone trailers at this time. It says they open in the evening. I want a sno cone in the heat of the day not when it begins to cool off a little bit. There might have been a place open in Alma yesterday but I did not know it. Because of this tragedy, I had to purchase a cone from Hillbilly Sno in Ozark. Nothing against hillbilly's or Ozark, I just want to keep them separate from my arctic afternoon treat. Is there something wrong with this? Is it too much to ask for Airedale Sno to finally open there little window after sitting by the highway for two months with a sign that says opening soon......I don't think so.

This has made me want to open up my own sno cone trailer. I mean who wouldn't love that job? Sit in a small air conditioned area all day reading, making and eating sno cones. People shouldn't get paid for that, it's like a vacation. If I started up my own sno cone venture I would deliver to businesses around 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. Is that not primetime for sno cone goodness? All this talk about sno cones has got me hungry for one for breakfast. I wonder if anyone has Cocoa Pebbles flavored sno cones............I know I would!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Disgusting Detox

This weekend on vacation Cortney finally got to do a foot detox that she has wanted to do for a long time. It was disgusting to look at but she really enjoyed it. Here's the before and after pics.



-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ice cream cereal

I want to give a shout out to Jake for his ice cream cereal post a while back. It is what inspired my dinner last night. I had chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with cocoa pebbles and milk on top. It was incredible, phenomenal, and other 4 syllable words I can't think of right now.

The best part about it was that the ice cream kept the milk cold the entire time and I love me some cold cereal!

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

God Qualities

In church on Sunday morning during worship, as I was thinking about God's awesome creation, the Holy Spirit showed me something. He showed me all of the wonderful creation that God made, the mountains, the sea, the sun, stars, man, nature, etc., and all of the good qualities about them. For example, take this picture: the sun
Do you know that this same sun has been rising and setting ever since God called it to be? You talk about consistency and faithfulness. Now think of the Creator who made the sun with all of its wonderful qualities and we can see where these qualities came from. The only difference? "The Creator" is always above "the creation." God could put these qualities in His creation because He had them in Himself. When I think about God being MORE faithful than the rising of the sun, then it charges my faith to never give up on Him because He is more consistent and faithful than something that I KNOW is going to happen everyday.

I love the song that says, "You have been more faithful than the morning sun. You have been more faithful than knowing night will come. You have been more faithful than the changing of seasons...." Great song. God is incapable of letting me down. He doesn't have it in Him. But what He does have in Him is grace, mercy and forgiveness when I let Him down. You talk about God qualities, it doesn't get any better then grace! Thank You Jesus!

You can find God qualities all throughout His creation. Always remember to place the Creator above the creation and be encouraged knowing that all of their good qualities pale in comparison to the God qualities of our Father.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thank You Jesus

This is my favorite thing to say. This is one phrase that could never be said enough and is always appropriate to say. Thanksgiving is a powerful thing. When it seems like nothing is going right and I have nothing to be thankful for; I say thank you Jesus. Not because I'm thanking Him for calamity or hard times, but because thanking Him is what brings me out! Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ! These two scriptures are very similar and they both tell me one thing: Thanksgiving is connected to victory.

There is no such place between being thankful and unthankful. Either you're thankful or you're not. If everything in your life is great, then thank God because it is only by His grace. If the world is falling down around you, then thank God because it is only by His grace that you will come out. His grace amazes me, because it replaces what I deserve. Thank you Lord! I'm so glad that we don't get what we deserve and that Jesus died for us when we were still sinners! What love and mercy and goodness!

Everyday with its new reasons will I bless You and gratefully praise You. Yes I will praise Your name forever. Thank You Jesus!

Friday, July 10, 2009

New Header Pic

I have finally changed my header picture to one that was not taken 8 years ago. This will make my wife very happy. As promised, I will provide pictures from Alaska but only if you are willing to go to Cortney's facebook to look at them! I'm not going to post on here because it will take me forever and...well........that's basically it. So if you are interested in looking at the pics then here's the link you can go to find them. Enjoy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Real Computer, Real Blogging, Real Pictures.....

Finally back to Razorback Country where fires break out in water parks and people don't look like ghosts wearing white sheets who have white out fights during snowstorms. That was a little much, but it feels really good to be back home. Just in case you were wondering, I finally fixed the pictures on the two previous posts if you want to check them out. They probably aren't as exciting now but at least they are complete.

Me and Cort had a great vacation but came to the realization that 5 days is long enough for a cruise. Good food, spectacular scenery, lots of old people, lots of drunk people, lots of diversity, and lots of the word "lots" makes this sentence grammatically incorrect. Seriously though, the trip was fun but maybe just a little long. I would highly recommend it to people who enjoy 50-65 degree weather, like to eat a lot, would splurge for a room with balcony, enjoy non-stop scenery of snow-capped mountains and large glaciers, and like small touristy towns with 28 jewelery stores in each one!

My favorite part about the cruise was getting served a four-course meal every night and eating it and just walking away! They served some fancy food that we weren't too familiar with, but most of it was really good and they also served up an awesome melting chocolate cake with ice cream for dessert. Here's a picture of Cort on one of our formal nights. It appears that she enjoyed her dinner so much that she licked the plate clean. It could also be that they haven't served us dinner yet.......I'm not sure. I have a feeling she will make sure that I'm sure that it was the latter, so here's a makeup compliment to offset it: She was stunningly beautiful that night. That should do it.
Cortney's favorite part of the cruise was her roommate and the little towel animals that they made everyday. We even took a class to learn how to fold some ourselves!

Thanks to everyone for asking how the trip went. It was very relaxing and definitely a new experience for the both of us. I plan on posting a little more about it on Wednesday with a lot of pics. Oh, and if you couldn't figure out the question to the t-shirt pic below.......then tough luck because I'm not going to say it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Well, that last post didn't turn out as I had hoped. I will post the pics when I get home. We are waiting to get off the ship and go to the airport to wait some more. Why is it that no matter how good a vacation you have, you're always ready to come back home in a week or less? We fly out from Anchorage all the way to Atlanta. We could get to Japan quicker! I'm not bitter though. The trip has been fun but we are both ready to be back with our family and friends. I'm not sure why.....

Congrats to the softball team on their big wins in my absence. I know that my shaky fielding and anemic batting average were sorely missed in the 28-4 win on Monday. Maybe I should strictly be the 3rd base coach.

Got some great pics to post, however I missed out on some chances to get Cortney tripping, spilling, and face-planting ALL week. I thinks she forgets how to walk during vacations. It has become a vacation tradition for her to trip in public, this year it was on our ziplining excursion. Good stuff...

I'm going to try this pic thing again. Here's Cort in front of a big waterfall feeding from the Mendenhall Glacier to the left.

If this works......maybe a post later today!

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Alaska Post #1 (for the eighth time)

This is attempt #8 to post from Alaska here. This app has not been cooperating but I know it will work this time. I'll make this post short. Here's a few things we've encountered so far on our trip.
$7 deodorant. This is the last time I forget mine at home.

We saw this shirt at a shop on Ketchikan. I guess it answers the age old question...

More to come later.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vacation Time!!

Wow, I really haven't been very good at blogging. I don't know what my problem is either, because I have had the time to do it.

Well we are leaving tonight for Tulsa and flying out tomorrow morning to get our Alaskan cruise started! I'm pretty excited. I usually enjoy the warm "golfing" weather here in the summer, but it will be nice to be in a place where it's 45-65 all week. We actually had to pack jackets! We're taking a video camera, so who knows, I might actually have some footage to post after the vacation. Hey, don't roll your eyes and say "yeah right, we've heard that before Landon." Well since this is a major vacation that should include pics, video, and great stories, I think I will put forth the effort to blog about it. Maybe even while on the cruise from my phone!

If I don't blog during our cruise though, I want to publicly say "Happy Anniversary" to my wife of 5 years (Friday). It has been the best five years of my life and and you are the best wife a guy could ask for. You are definitely one of the "super-abundantly far over and above all that I could dare ask or think, infinitely beyond my highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams kind of answered prayer!" I love you!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Christmas Pic??

Yes, my new header pic is from Christmas of this last year at Silver Dollar City. Cortney has ordered me on multiple occasions to change the header and sadly enough we don't really have any up-to-date pics to replace it with. We need to take more pictures I guess.

I will make a conscious effort to take a new pic of us to head this vivacious, over-active blog. Until next time, let me leave you with something to think about.

Donald Duck never wears pants, but when he gets out of the shower he's got a towel wrapped around him. What's that about??

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Let's see if I remember how to do this.............. type something largely irrelevant and post low quality pictures taken with my phone. Hey look at that;
I did remember. This is supposed to be a picture of the monster burger that I grilled last night but it turned out a little blurry. It's always hard to eat a blurry burger because it can be difficult to see where to bite.....see look at that irrelevant sentence. There was nothing blurry about the taste though, it was very good and by the grace of God it was the best burger I have ever grilled. It had two slices of cheddar cheese on each side and a little mayo and ketchup. It was a little too big to try and put anything else on it!

I usually don't like to grill that much, but I really enjoyed it last night. The weather was perfect and it made for a very Brady evening. Me and Cortney even played catch in the backyard after dinner!

This may have not been the most exciting post, but it's something! Maybe this will get people off my back for a while. I am a little ashamed of my blogging efforts and will try to be better. You stay classy San Diego.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Date Night

Date night with Cort is definitely one of my favorite nights. We're going to get some ice cream and watch a movie (Ghosts of Girlfriends Past). Clearly a topic I have nothing in common with. If there was one negative about the night it is the wicker factory that is Hobby Lobby. I just don't understand all of the wicker, however, I must be honest and say that HL is the promised land compared to Trees and Trends. If I were to ever put my faith in a rumor, it would be the one that said Trees and Trends is closing.

Anyway, date night rocks thanks to the pretty lady in the picture!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


It will take and eternity to maximize the potential that is inside of us right now. We must renew our minds to who we are in Christ, who we're born of, and where we come from. We are absolutely everything that the Word says we are and we can do everything it says we can do. This is a reality in life in the spirit. The Holy Spirit in us is what brings about this type of potential and shows us how to maximize it.

We need to remember that as Christians, we are NEVER in a hopeless situation. We have the Hope of Glory present on the inside of us which gives us the potential to win 100% of the time.

Friday, April 17, 2009

9 years!

At the beginning of April, me and Cort celebrated 9 years as a couple. It has been an amazing nine years and is getting better every day. I'm not just saying that as a cliché either, because it is evident in both of our lives how our love has grown for each other. So here's to you my wife (the love of my life), thanks for being the best wife a guy could ask for. I love you!

We were told by the vet that our weenie dogs needed to be healthier, so we have to buy healthier dog food now and Cortney has to brush their teeth every night. I need to come up with an invention that will allow my dogs to harness their barking skill into a money making ability so that they can pull their own weight (which might be hard for the beefcake in the picture).

I'm really excited about next weekend. I get to go on a golfing trip with my buddies to Branson. We get to play 2 great golf courses in Branson Creek and Murder Rock. It's going to be 2 straight days of golf, food, golf, putt-putt, and more golf.

Well 3 posts in one day is a lot, so I hope it made up for the 2 week absence. My posts from now on should be brief but more frequent and with more pics. The April 17, 2009 blogfest has concluded. Peace

Astro and Scooby Doo sure Sound Alike

I saw the other day that they're coming out with a Jetson's movie. I used to like watching The Jetson's right after I watched the Flintstones, that way I could combine the two eras to match my time. I don't think this is going to be a big motion picture or anything, but it still may be worth watching. Here's a fun fact for you: The guy who did the voice for Astro also did the voice for Scooby Doo. I never knew that when I watched those shows, how could I miss something like that? See, wasn't that fact fun? mother-inlaw just bought a house in Alma and we have been helping her move in. The best part about this house is the massive pole barn in the backyard. It is literally 4 times the square footage of the house! She has no practial use for it, so the family has been trying to come up with good ideas of how we can use it. Aside from having parties and storing mowing equipment in it we're not sure what else we could do with it. So if you have any ideas for pole barn, be sure and let me know.

Also, I'm not too sure what a POLE barn is, I just keep hearing everyone call it that. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's called a pole barn because it is supported by poles and not totally enclosed. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it.

Well it looks like Murder Rock, Wife and Weenie Dogs are the topics left for the next post. I can hardly wait......


I haven't blogged in a record 2 weeks now, and I get the feeling that I need to. I will post a few times today to try and make up for lost time.

So last weekend I made the purchase.............yep, an iPhone. Definitely one of the best purchases of my purchasing career. It has everything you really.......EVERYTHING. I was helping my dad hang something on the wall the other day and we needed a I just downloaded an app called iLevel right to my phone. How sweet is that?

There are so many great features for it, but I know that most everyone by now knows about them. I really have no more excuses for the sporatic blogging that has befallen me over the last month, so I will do my best to blog more consistently and also try not to use the word befallen anymore. Not really even sure if that's a word or what it means.

Here are a few topics that I might blog about later today: Weenie Dogs, Murder Rock, My Wife, Pole Barns, and/or The Jetsons.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Loving Living

I love my life. God has been so good to me that I can't help but constantly thank Him and give Him praise. I want everyone I come in contact with to experience the goodness of God like I have. I'm so glad God has blessed me to be a blessing. "The Blessing" is the most powerful agent in the earth and as Christians we are responsible to spread it to everyone we come in contact with. I want to be the ambassador that God has called me to be for Christ, boldly sharing with people His goodness and love.

I have a lot of spiritual growing up to do but I am taking steps of faith and going from Glory to Glory. I know that I may not be walking in the fullness of the Blessing right now, but that's where I'm headed! Here are the things that convince me that my life is awesome:

God loves me. God is good to me ALL the time. God is faithful. God can't lie. I constantly think about these four things. Thinking on the love of God alone will take me into a place of total and complete thanksgiving. Then I begin to think about how good He is to me. He's good to me even though I don't deserve it. He is always faithful to His word and bound by it because He can't lie. God has given me every advantage to be living the good life. It's the only way to live.

The title of my blog is "Living the Life." I really am. I'm living the good life that Jesus came to give me and I am eternally thankful for His continued presence in my life. Thank you Lord for your unconditional love, never-ending goodness, and unchangeable faithfulness. You are the only reason I'm "Living the Life."

Monday, March 30, 2009

Standin' Landon

So PK has been teaching an awesome series on "True Faith" that just got even better yesterday. He talked about being steadfast and patient in running our race. I thought I had a decent grasp on the importance of faith and patience in my life, but I saw yesterday just how important patience is.

It really hit me when he said that my faith level will never rise above my patience level. That was revelation to me, because we can think we are exercising our faith at 100% but how consistent with that are we? I like to think of myself as someone who when he has done all to stand, stands and stands............but there is always room for improvement and I believe that this was a word for me yesterday.

Pastors called it steady Eddy, steady Teddy, etc. But my name doesn't rhyme with steady so I'm "Standin' Landon." I don't care that there's no "g" on standing, this way it makes it rhyme. I've recommitted myself to stand and to be consistently constantly the same. I've heard it said like this, "faithfully exercising my faith." I know that all of God's promises are yes for me, so I am going to stand until they are manifest in my life. By God's grace, I will be patient and steadfast in my life of faith.

PK went to Romans 5:1-3 yesterday and verse 2 really stuck out to me. It says, "By whom (Jesus) also we have access BY FAITH into this GRACE wherein we STAND, and rejoice in hope of the GLORY of God." It is by faith that we access the grace to stand and rejoice in expecting to see God's Glory! This is an awesome verse. God is good and He is FAITHFUL. I will stand until I see His goodness in manifestation in every area of my life. Will you?

Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm Sorry Hammies

I can't believe how naive I was when I thought that 40 minute games with a short bench would be feasible in the Gary Oden Memorial Basketball Tournament. Four games, forty minutes long, with only one bench player equals running out of gas and being mean to your muscles.

Here are a few quotes from some of my teammates the next day:

"I've got muscles that hurt that I didn't even know existed."

"My ribs hurt."

"Why does my butt hurt?"
"Because your glutes are connected to your hammies."
"Oohhhh. Their fine when I don't clench."
"Then don't clench."
"You try it." (grimacing while clenching)

"My neck cramped last night."

From two guys: "Everything hurt from my neck down."

I am no longer 16. I'm 24 years old, and though still young by most standards, I realize I need to get my butt in a gym and apologize to my body. I'm sorry hammies and glutes. If I was in shape you wouldn't feel this way. At least I didn't have to feel like this and stave off a knee to the head in the first game..........way to take it like a man Nate. I was real glad to see your eyes again.

Regardless, the tournament was a lot of fun and a good success for the first year. Our team did really well and won its first three games against the best teams but lost in the finals to one of those same teams. It was really fun and I look forward to doing it again next year. I will be prepared then.......a finely tuned athletic machine.

Monday, March 16, 2009

March Madness is here! The Hogs are not :(

This is one of my favorite times of year. College basketball's post-season tournament is by far the most exciting of all the sports. I love filling out a bracket and watching underdog teams win. It would be much more exciting if the Hogs were in it, but we don't live in a dream world. Last year was really exciting for me because my bracket won in the small pool that we have each year. I picked Kansas and they won in dramatic fashion in overtime!

This year will very unpredictable, so I expect Cortney to do very well by picking the team with funniest name or the team with the best mascot. Her bracket bombed last year as she put all of her eggs in Gonzaga's basket. True to form, she seems poised to select the Zags again regardless of who they're playing or how good they are. She's funny! At least this way it makes it fun to watch the tourney and root for the teams you picked.

If my bracket bombs, then I plan on getting out and playing some golf in the nice spring weather that is coming our way. That last statement was not based on fact whatsoever, so it could be 20 degrees for the next few weeks for all I know. Regardless, I will be playing golf sooner rather later. March Madness and Golf - I love this month!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Who wants coffee when you can have milk?

What's the deal with coffee being so popular? I don't get it. I mean it's too hot so it can't be refreshing. It's loaded with caffeine (I think) so it will take you on a sugar high and then drop you at the highest point. You have to drink it in a mug or styrofoam cup because it's too ugly to be seen through a glass. And there is absolutely no way that it can wash down a Krispy Kreme donut.

I know I will get corrected on all of those points and catch a lot of flack from most of the coffee fanatic followers of this blog, but I don't care. As a child, your parents and grandparents won't let you drink it because they say that it will stunt your growth, turn your teeth yellow, and you will become addicted to it. Yet they continue to drink it like their skydiving with a ripped parachute and the only thing they can think of is landing on a Starbucks so the media will make a big story about it forcing Starbucks to name a coffee drink after them.

I'm taking a stand for milk, the drink of the Promised Land. I'm the guy who would look like he belonged on a "Got Milk" commercial. I look great with a milk stache'. Milk is the only real refreshing drink that can wash down a ring of sugar and leave your teeth and bones stronger. Cows are awesome!! How can two of the best things ever, milk and steak, come out of the same animal? Brilliant.

I know this was random and probably insulting to the few blog readers I have, but I needed to warn all of you coffee-a-holics that when coffee becomes a highlight of your morning then it's time to take a step back and remember that the best part of waking up isn't Folgers in your cup, but knowing that Chuck Norris didn't kill you in your sleep.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why is that Dog Smoking?

I have been having very vivid and active dreams here lately. The problem is I can't remember them very well. I'm not sure why this has been happening lately, but I really wish I could remember more of this stuff.

Last night I dreamed I traveled on a jet ski to a Jerry Savelle service where I continually stood up and sat down in a different seat. The night before I dreamed that some guy I went to high school with (but barely know) stepped out of his car smoking a cig along with his 8 year old son. I mean my friend was actually holding this eight year old kid and the kid was smoking a cigarette. The dad stooped down and put down his cig on the ground and this dog came along and picked it up. The dog proceeded to come up on the porch where I was at and started puffing on the cigarette. I was like "What's going on here, dogs can't smoke."

These are just very small portions of my last two dreams, although by the way it sounds I'm a little relieved I can't remember the rest of them. I know this happens to everyone occasionally, but what's the cause for it happening so often? Really sleepy? Weird day? Subconscious with a sense of humor? What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gary Oden Memorial Tournament

So we're putting a basketball tournament together to raise money for the Alma Boys and Girls Club, and we are finally underway awaiting team entries. Cortney had the wonderful idea to do a golf tournament in honor of her daddy, and give all the proceeds to the BGC. She said the Club was always on his list to give to after he got his first million! So, with a possible golf tournament coming up in the next few months, we thought a basketball tournament would be a good idea too.

Having played in both golf and basketball tourney's, I have learned that a b-ball tourney will probably be a lot easier to run. I hope I'm right. There is a lot that goes into but I think it is because we are trying to make it a big deal and do it excellent, which is what we want so that we can make it an annual event. I can't believe I never thought of something like this to help raise money for organizations, it's such a good idea. So, props to Cort for having a great idea!

I know that most people who read this blog either already know about the tourney or are not going to play, but here is the link with all of the information just in case.

Much thanks to everyone who is sponsoring the tourney and thanks to Krush of N'Christ for printing off the flyers.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Chuck Norris Movie

Chuck Norris has raised the bar for men and the human race in general. With the recent popularity of, I think that someone should make a movie based off the website. It would for sure be a box office hit. Seriously, who wouldn't go see that movie? Walker Texas Ranger was proof enough that Chuck can sell tickets with that roundhouse kick. I mean the guy works out on a Nordic Track everyday, so you know his lats and quads are the real deal.

I definitely think that these facts should be worked into the movie:

Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his monther's womb.
Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
Chuck Norris always knows the exact location of Carmen Sandiego
Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.
Chuck Norris does not have to answer the phone. His beard picks up the incoming electrical impulses and translates them into audible sound.
Chuck Norris can blow bubbles with beef jerky.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Back to the Basics

Me, Cortney and my parents were able to go to a Jerry Savelle meeting in Oklahoma last night. He shared a very good word about going back to the basics. Sometimes we tend to be looking so much for the next new revelation that we forget to do the basics of God's Word. God has really been dealing with me about this for about the last month now, and it was awesome to see it confirmed last night.

We need to often be reminded of the fundamental redemptive rights that we have as children of God. Clearly, we are to grow and BUILD on the basics as God continues to give us revelation concerning His Word, but the key word remains BUILD. We are to build on the basics, never leave them. I think now more than ever before that we simply need to spend time in the Word and prayer and develop a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, in order to remain focused on what lies ahead of us. Focusing all of our energy on what God has ahead of us will allow us to lean on and depend on the only dependable thing there is in our lives: the never changing promises of God.

I could go on and on, but it seems that this the only thing I blog about now. Which I suppose is not a bad thing. These are just a few of the things that brother Jerry shared last night, and I thought they were so timely and hugely important that I wanted to share them with you. Be Blessed!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Led By Peace

At church and bible school we have been learning on how to be Spirit led everyday. So here lately, God has really been showing me how get in position to hear from Him. Here's something God showed me this morning while reading the Word.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of peace, so when He leads us it will be by peace. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to be careful for nothing but by prayer with THANKSGIVING to let our requests be made known unto God. And when we do that, then God's peace that passes all understanding will keep our hearts and minds. So basically if we do verse 6 then the result will be verse 7. (Chip Brim did an amazing job preaching this the last time he was here.)

In Colossians 3:15 (amp) it says "Let the peace from Christ rule (act as an umpire continually) in your hearts (deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state) to which as one body you were also called to live. And be THANKFUL (appreciative) (giving praise to God always)."

It's no coincidence that these verses that tell us how to be led by the peace of God also tell us to be THANKFUL. Giving thanks to God sounds like a given, but how many of us really take time to thank Him for everything good in our life? It's no wonder that giving thanks to God increases our capacity to receive from Him, because as we give thanks then we allow God's peace (or the Holy Spirit) to lead us into all truth and into the Blessing of God.

Giving thanks is vital to us hearing the Holy Spirit and living victorious lives. This is why I love the verse, "Thanks be unto God, Who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus." Paul was giving thanks which allowed the Holy Spirit to move him into a place of triumph in Christ Jesus!

Let's give God thanks and be led by his perfect peace into everything that God has for us!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ode to the Hogs

Razorbacks, Razorbacks
Why are you so blue
Oh dreadful and frustrating Pigs
Are your colors not red and white

Why do you torture your fan base so
Is it because you really suck?
I dare to believe that is not it
But who I'm I to argue with numbers

2 plus 2 will always be 4
But a 1-9 conference record will always bite
How does hope arise each gameday
Only to be lost amidst your inadequacy

Ohhh the anguish of continued losing
How it calluses the sports soul
Is there any way we can defend the 3
Or at least not get beat by an Ole Miss Rebel

I will continue believing Razorhogs
Your day is fast approaching
Maybe not tonight or this weekend or year
But..................who am I kidding? WIN A BALLGAME!!!!!!

Yes I know that didn't rhyme, but I don't write poems like Humpty-Dumpty.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

As a guy, Valentine's Day has never really been my favorite holiday. However, I must admit that I had a really good one this year.

We started off the weekend with our Annual Valentine's Murder Mystery at church. Here's a pic of Harold Logan and Bambi Bianca who helped keep the Dinner Theater from retaining a G-rating.

On Saturday, we took it easy during the day and then around six Cortney started making dinner. Instead of going out, we had a candle light dinner at home that was by far better than going out somewhere. She made seasoned chicken and potatoes with sides of mac and cheese, bread, and salad. I made the tea. Clearly a a fair deal. To top off not having to wait and and the distraction of everyone else around, the dinner itself was better than any restaurant!

After dinner, I took this beautiful lady to see "Footloose" the musical at the Alma PAC. I bought these tickets strictly for her not thinking that it would have been something I enjoyed, but to my surprise the play was actually very good and slightly funny.

After the night was all over, here is what I received for all of my great tea making and ticket buying.

This pic should embarrass her, so be sure to ask her about it!

Friday, February 13, 2009


I love vacations. This pic is from the beautiful, sandy picturesque beaches of.........Chicago? Yes Chicago. Home of America's baseball team. No, there is not an ocean in Chicago but there is a Great Lake. Anyway this post is about a very special vacation that I'm looking forward to.

In June, me and Cort are going on an Alaskan cruise for our five year anniversary. Cortney has always wanted to go on one, but it's never been something that I've wanted to do that bad. However, I have always loved going on vacations with her because we always have such a good time together.

I have recently changed my outlook on Alaskan cruises. Everyone who has been on one has remarked on how awesome they are, and I'm actually pretty excited to do some excursions like rafting and encountering polar bears and the abominable snowman.

Cortney was excited to see penguins, but I told her I thought that they are Antarctic birds. I'm not sure. we'll see. Hey, you never know........ when your going to a far-away, fairy tale country like Alaska. That may be a stretch but I really look forward to it. I have no doubt that it will be the best vacation ever, spent with the one I love.

Here's to snow-capped glaciers, gazing at flying reindeer, and encountering polar wildlife. Alaska the final frontier..................I'm ready!

Friday, February 6, 2009

I Won't Look the Same!

I believe God. I believe that it will be even as He has said through His prophets. God is awesome. He gives us a Word and all we have to do is believe it. He said that if we believe the prophets we will prosper. I'm going to a higher level this year and won't be held back by ANYTHING. I no longer view yearly prophecies as "new year's resolution" or "something that should slowly fade from our thinking," but I'm holding onto it until I see the FULL manifestation of it.

Our church is going somewhere amazing and I'm so glad that God has called me to this body. It is sweet to see small parts of what has been prayed out coming to pass already. I know that many in our church have heard these prophecies and will hold onto them as well, but just so everyone knows, "I will not look the same by the end of this year." The enemy has failed! What he has meant for our harm and destruction, God has turned it around and caused it to be for our GOOD.

My faith is continuing to grow in the authority that God has bestowed upon us. He has given man dominion over all the works (creation) of His hands. Through God's Word, we can see that time is something that God created in the earth. We are supposed to have authority over time instead of the other way around. There is no time in Heaven for it is eternal, and time stops when God's glory is present. This is why we should EXPECT THE GLORY. God' Word manifested will produce the glory and be the change in our lives that brings glory to God.

The things of God will be accelerated in this day for those who will believe Him. Just as God spoke to Jerry Savelle around ten years ago and told him to relay it to the body, saying, "things that never happened to most people in a lifetime, will happen to you in one year's time," so it will be in my life this year. I'm expecting the extraordinary this year. This is why I believe I can be a millionaire in a month's time, and be healed NOW, and live in complete victory NOW, because I refuse to put God in a box and limit the Creator of the universe. God said, and I believe, that "He will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I dare ask or think; infantely beyond my highest prayers, thoughts, hopes, dreams and desires!"

I'm going to look different by the end of this year! Glory to God! What about you?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Should this Weather Remind Me of Golf?

I'm still finding it a little hard to fight that urge to play golf right now. I know it's 28 degrees and windy and overcast, but what can I say, this is the weather that I remember playing high school golf in.

During my senior year in high school we had a golf match down in Fort Worth, Texas. It was the middle of March and the time was ripe for great golfing weather, you know, 74 degrees and calm. These were the conditions when we arrived and played a practice round the day before. Little did we know that it was all going to turn..................

Luckily most of us brought pants to wear just in case, because when we woke up it was about 35 degrees and foggy. When we got to the course it might have warmed up to 40 degrees........ maybe, but as the fog burned off the wind started to pick up. Now it's bad enough just walking in windy 40 degree weather, but to play golf in it is simply crappy.

I thought it was going to be a decent day when I miraculously birdied the first hole, but the conditions took a toll and left everyone on the course frozen, chapped, and pretty cranky. The next day was much better weather, but I will never forget that cold blustery day of golf. I kind of wish I would forget it so I won't say the word blustery anymore................apparently I thought we were playing in 100 acre Wood with Pooh and Piglet.
Man this post was finished a while back, I can't believe you're still reading this................seriously.......any blog that references winnie the pooh and a blustery day should stop being read immediately.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Commericals

Is it just me, or were the Super Bowl commercials disappointing this year? I'm usually really psyched out and ready to get a good laugh from the ads, but I seemed to just be sitting there with a "what the crap" look on my face during most of them. I do enjoy the E-Trade commercials with the talking baby but the greatness of those commercials were offset by the dumb and inappropriate commercials. Overall, I give this years ads a D-.

So I've been thinking of some of my favorite all-time Super Bowl ads, and you just can't beat the old Wazzzupppppp!! commercials. Here's a few below.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Healthy Choice

I have to be at work at 6:00 and 7:00 throughout the week, so this does not leave me much time to make the best breakfast. So I think it's needless to say that I'm a pop-tart guy. I've always liked my pop-tarts warm with a large glass of milk.

So as dumb as this sounds, I try to get the more healthier pop-tarts of the ones that I like. For the longest time I got the cinnamon tarts which I like "okay." But I recently looked at the nutrition labels and saw that the chocolate pop-tarts, which I liked a lot more, were actually healthier than the cinnamon. Who would have thought.

Now you might be thinking this wasn't quite the upgrade that I've made it out to be, however, you don't realize the ease on my conscience that chocolate pop-tarts gives me. It's like I'm getting away with eating chocolate for breakfast, muwahahahaha. So when Cortney shakes her head in wonderment as if to say "Landon, really, chocolate for breakfast," I can proudly smirk and say "Hey check the label, and don't get mad at me because I'm eating healthy. I might even power walk to my truck this morning."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 anyone out there??

So I'm sitting at work right now on Wednesday morning and as most of you know there is ice all over the roads. I'm actually very glad I'm at work though, just because I would be very antsy at home. However, I'm starting to wonder if there are any human souls out there. I'm beginning to feel like Will Smith in "I am Legend," except for the whole end of the world thing and all.

I really wish I had a large trash can lid or something I could use to slide across the parking lot right now. No wait.......I wish I could start at highway 71 around Pizza Parlour and slide all the way down. Is anyone going to read this? I'm not sure. I am just typing random words simply because I 'm not sure what else to do right now. I think that every time I talk I will talk only in cliches.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound? Silence is golden. Am I talking to a brick wall? Don't beat around the bush because even a blind squirrel finds and acorn sometimes. Also, don't put the cart before the horse just because you heard it through the grapevine. What does a bull in a china shop do? How does everything taste like chicken? Was it really raining cats and dogs yesterday? Is a heavy hog fat?

Does anyone have the answers to these? I mean, I can assume that a heavy hog is fat. But the rest..............

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Fun

Here's a little bit about my weekend.

Friday Night
Went to the Alma basketball game which was really fun, followed by a maddening Dilbert board game that saw me knocking board pieces everywhere and saying replacement words under my breath. You know.....replacement words.....words that replace the bad words. I'm not proud of it.

Did a little work Saturday morning followed by a complete waste of time and utter disappointment.....I mean watching the Hogs. After I came to grips with the fact that the Hogs really suck and just paraded as good earlier in the year..................... I felt no better because I can't help but like the Hogs. What the crap is wrong with me?
Saturday night we hung out with Cortney's family. Played a little Mario Kart , Guitar Hero and Apples to Apples. Also ate Pizza Parlour which is always good. Got home around ten and then my longtime friend Jarod came over for a little more Mario Kart and Guitar Hero. Good times.

Went to church in the morning and heard a great message about holding on to your word from God. I've determined to never drop anything that I've heard from God or His Word until it comes to pass in my life. God has been too faithful to His Word for me to ever give up on anything He has told me.
Played ball in the afternoon which I always look forward too. I feel like the game of basketball is slowly coming back to me........or is that me slowly coming back to basketball? Either way it's getting a little better each week.
Sunday night me and Cort went out to Target to get a few things, and then went to the movies to see "Paul Blart: Mall Cop." It was okay, I thought it would be a little funnier though. I like the name "Blart" it's funny. I have a fairly high standard for comedy movies.......oh who am I kidding, I loved Anchorman! Which is a great movie by the way.

That was my weekend. You stay classy San Diego.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How'd he do that?

I ran across this on you tube and thought it was absolutely crazy. I'm not sure how this guy does this but it looks like he's missing some ligaments or something. Check it out!

(It's not the first guys, it's the skinny white dude)

Monday, January 19, 2009


I have recently posted some random thoughts, one of which included that Dilbert is the best comic strip ever. Now, I realize that this comic is about the workplace and all of the lingo that goes with it. And I also realize that some people may have different tastes in comedy. But, I find it hard to believe that most wouldn't think that this strip is the funniest of all time.

We got my friend some Dilbert books for Christmas, and this is when we were able to really appreciate the work of "Dilbert" that it really is. It was amazing that almost every strip made me laugh out loud and want to read more. Cortney also got me the "Dilbert Board Game" for my birthday, and I never knew there was such a thing. But we played it and was hilarious too!

I'm sure by this point you have stopped reading and think that I am a rambling idiot because I keep talking about a comic strip. I don't care, because I am about to read some Dilbert and it will make me leave everything else behind and take me into a state of total and complete laughing out loud. Here's a sample of Dilbert. Enjoy!

Monday, January 12, 2009

iPod=More Word=More Faith=...........

When I got my first iPod on Christmas of 2007, I immediately found how great it was for hearing the Word. It's almost all I used it for, but we believe it may have been stolen during the summer. I immediately noticed that my Word level went down and my desire to read the Word went down. This frustrated me and made me feel lazy and guilty because I thought that I had to get the Word through my iPod to be motivated to read the Word.

I came to realize that it didn't matter how I got the Word in my heart, as long as I was getting fed daily. Turns out that hearing more of God's Word motivates you to want to read and study more, which causes you to want to hear more, go to Bible School more, etc. My parents got me a nice iPod touch for Christmas and I quickly began to download podcasts. It's a good thing to have the Word going through your ears all day. It's the one thing that can assure you of growing up spiritually, causing you to fulfill the call that God has on your life. Plus, it's so easy to have going while you're working (if you're able). It's like a continual IV going to your heart causing faith to grow and grow and grow.

I'm excited about God's Word and the life-changing potential that it offers. I'm ready to see quick and big manifestations in my life and I know that can't happen without God's Word. You see, faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. So this tells me that if I have no Word, then I can't have faith. Because faith COMES by HEARING. If I have no faith, then I won't see the manifestations that I want to.

There is so much more I want to talk about this, but the point I want to get across is that if you have an iPod than I strongly suggest downloading podcasts from great teachers like Kenneth Copeland, Keith Moore, Creflo Dollar, Jerry Savelle, Mac Hammond, etc. They're FREE and updated often. Let's get more of God's Word so we can produce fruit in our lives causing Him to receive glory!

Friday, January 9, 2009

RAnDom Thoughts

I'm being a trend follower and going to post some random thoughts like my pastors have done on their blogs. I can't promise they will be as good or as random but here goes.

1. How is Barney the dinosaur still around? I saw my cousins watching him the other day and there's like 34 more dinosaurs on the show now.

2. If yellow is really the "In" color of 2009, my dad has a sweet van!

3. The comic strip "Dilbert" is the funniest comic ever.

4. My wife could be the best ever! Not so random, but it just crossed my mind.

5. Why do you always want to go find bad guys and lay the smack down after watching a superhero movie?

6. The term "It's Art" has become very loose over the years. I can't believe the crap that people call art these days. I guess the beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

7. The Nintendo game "Mario Kart" is timeless.

8. A few cool quotes I ran across:
"Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered and no one was there."
"The latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the population."
"The Miss Universe pageant is fixed, all the winners are from Earth."

9. My taste buds are slowly and progressively coming to like foods that I have never liked. Is that normal as you get older?

10. So, it looks like the internet is here to stay. What a classy invention.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Go Hogs!

I know I already posted about the Hogs a few posts ago, but I have to say how sweet it was to be at the Arkansas vs. Texas game. Cortney got me tickets for Christmas, so me and my dad went last night. It was by far the best sports game experience of my life! I've never seen that big of a crowd, that loud and crazy. The last few minutes were wild and to top it all off the Hogs pulled off the win.

I'm looking forward to a great season ahead, and hope the hogs don't stop over-achieving. But hey, even if they did it would still be a good year. Plus, good things happen to any fan's teams who isn't the Minnesota Vikings!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Great Weekend

I had a great birthday this weekend thanks to all my wonderful friends and family. I'm truly blessed to be surrounded by people who love God and each other so much.

On Friday, we had some friends over for some food and games. It was a great time of scouting new talent for american idol, or should I say a punching bag for Simon ( see Jake's blog). Finished the night off with a little guitar hero and apples to apples. Good times.......good times.

Got to play a little golf on Saturday when it was 77 degrees! However, when we started in the morning, visibility was only about 150 yards due to fog. It cleared off and it was a great day to play golf. I actually played decent so that made it better.

Heard a great message Sunday morning about making decisions in peace and eradicating any ounce of fear from our life. Good stuff. Played a little basketball, did a little shopping at Best Buy and ate at Cheddar's. All in all it was a fun weekend, all thanks to my wonderful wife who made it happen.

Now come and comment on the last post! I know that all of you wish you had some super ability and that you're lying if you don't!