Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Back to the Basics

Me, Cortney and my parents were able to go to a Jerry Savelle meeting in Oklahoma last night. He shared a very good word about going back to the basics. Sometimes we tend to be looking so much for the next new revelation that we forget to do the basics of God's Word. God has really been dealing with me about this for about the last month now, and it was awesome to see it confirmed last night.

We need to often be reminded of the fundamental redemptive rights that we have as children of God. Clearly, we are to grow and BUILD on the basics as God continues to give us revelation concerning His Word, but the key word remains BUILD. We are to build on the basics, never leave them. I think now more than ever before that we simply need to spend time in the Word and prayer and develop a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, in order to remain focused on what lies ahead of us. Focusing all of our energy on what God has ahead of us will allow us to lean on and depend on the only dependable thing there is in our lives: the never changing promises of God.

I could go on and on, but it seems that this the only thing I blog about now. Which I suppose is not a bad thing. These are just a few of the things that brother Jerry shared last night, and I thought they were so timely and hugely important that I wanted to share them with you. Be Blessed!


Anonymous said...

Awesome reminder. So good to build on a solid foundation. Then what's built will always remain and not collapse!! Good word!

Staci said...

This is good! We have that foundation there for a reason - it's line upon line. God is good to continue to be personal with us and tell us what we need when and where we need it! He's so good to us!