Monday, December 8, 2008

I feel all Christmasy inside

I love surveys like this, they are so much fun. Here is the Christmas one that has been going around.

1. Do you have a real or artificial tree? Real
2. Do you like eggnog? Absolutely, positively not
3. Favorite Holiday memory? As a teenager..ahem...young child......Waking up one year to my sister looking out the window on Christmas Eve and convincing me that she just saw Rudolph fly away.
4. Favorite Christmas movie of all time? Home Alone 1 and 2
5. What do you have for dinner at Christmas? I think we usually have ham or turkey. Who cares I'm too busy playing with toys by then.
6. Favorite Christmas song? O holy Night and the theme music to home alone
7. Favorite Christmas treat? The smell of a real Christmas tree and and getting to exchange presents with Cortney on Christmas morning. Also, Christmas morning at my mom and dad's house is always (was :( always) special.
8. Do you put up lights on the outside of your house? Uh.....YEAH. Outside lights rock!!! My family goes Christmas light looking on Christmas Eve and I try to pick up new ideas each year. My goal is to eventually have a whole production like Mr. Hodo in Van Buren.


Staci said...

Where is Mr. Hodo's house? We want to go see it!

Jessica said...

Have you seen Deck the Halls? It's about Christmas lights!! Kinda funny, kinda dumb, just wondered!! I do like Home Alone too! Great Christmas movie, we watch it every year!!

Landon Parker said...

Staci, Mr. Hodo's house is in Van Buren past cleaners that we used to work at. I'm not sure of the specific directions though.

Anonymous said...

Christmas night will be special too!! It will just make Christmas last longer. Yea!!

I have no doubt that you will have an amazing Christmas light production very soon!

Jake said...

Good job on getting rid of that word verification thing.

Now I can leave comments quicker, and about random, pointless stuff, in which at the end of reading it, you feel like you wasted about 15 seconds.


Now 17 seconds....

Jake said...

At first when I read the name Mr. Hodo, I thought it was a joke, or a name from a movie.

Seems like there are always hobos with weird names like Hodo.

Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder on the song.........i should have asked your LEAST favorite song!!
Didn't know you had a blog until today!!! SSAAAWWWEEEETTT!